Well, here it goes. 10 weeks to 20 pounds. I'll be posting progress every week. I have been working out pretty religiously at least 3 times a week but I need to step it up to five which would mean 2 workouts at home. I also want to put my bodybugg back on! This weekend we worked out in the yard for over 14 hours. I pruned, weeded, trimmed, watered, and more so I know I burned a lot more than laying out by the pool.
So frustrated but hoping that putting this out to the world will help. 20 POUNDS IN 10 WEEKS!! I read a quote the other day in an office while I was teaching CPR. It read "Do good today and every tomorrow will take care of itself". So true...One day at a time.
I know I said no more pictures but I wanted to at least take a starting picture. I am going to take after pictures on Labor Day weekend. This way I can see my progress. I am going to wear the exact same outfit in my after pics. We will see. I am hoping that this will help hold me accountable even more.
Step it up to 5 workouts a week you can do it cheryl! Love ya!