My Weight Loss Progress

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two Weeks

So baby girl Reese is two weeks old today. During my pregnancy I gained about 26 pounds. I think I started out around 226. I was happy to see that when I weighed today that I weighed 233, already down 19 pounds which tells me that a lot of my weight gain was baby and fluids. Now to actually lose the real weight. I know that starting at my delivery weight is kinds of cheating but I want to weigh around 150 and that makes it an even 100 pounds. Kind of had a good ring to it. I have started a walking group with new moms on Tuesdays and Fridays (the days that Hudson goes to preschool). I will try to fit in other forms of exercise on the other days. However, exercise is a small part of it. I realize that it is 90% what I eat. You can gobble down a donut in about 15 seconds and it takes you an hour and 15 minutes to burn it off. Because I am nursing I have been drinking lots of water which has been good. It keeps the hunger pains down and gives you that sense of fullness. I dont really want to put myself on a strict diet as I know that I wont stick to it. I really just want to have portion control and eat out less!! I am also hoping to take advantage of the extra caloric burn that you get from nursing. (I think it burns an extra 300 calories each day).

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