So I would be lying if I said that everything diet wise has been great the last month. It just hasn't. I have just been caught in a funk and not motivated by anything. I would look at foods and tell myself, "don't eat that", "you will feel guilty if you eat that", "that isn't even real food" and then still eat the stupid fruit snacks. Why? I don't have an answer. I wish that I did.
Last night I was talking to Travis about all of this. As many of you know he struggles with chronic tendonitis in his hands which was caused by years of computer programming. He still hates to click a mouse. If we went to a doctor and they told me that we could cure this forever if for 3 months we would eat certain foods, do specific stretches and do special massages.... then I would do it all for him. I asked for his help last night. I feel like I have a disease that can be cured in 3-6 months and I need help. I am so close yet so far away.
My kids love snacks and I find myself eating their fun foods. I don't want to deprive them of everything they eat. They can easily burn off a popsicle or cookie. BUT I CAN'T. My trainer Tammye says that I should buy them snacks that I don't really crave & love. Allow myself a cheat but get the cheat somewhere and eat it there. Order a portion, eat it and leave. Don't bring tons of goodies and gallons of ice cream home. I think it's a good idea.
This week I hung out with one of my friends. She has a very good figure and after hanging out with her I can see why. Through out the day she snacked. She had some deli lunch meat and a cheese stick, a little later she had a handful of almonds, then a clementine orange. In the afternoon she had a cracker with a little peanut butter but for the most part she just grazed and ate pretty healthy. All the foods that she ate I love. That is the funny thing. I love healthy food! So why do I still crave the unhealthy stuff too.
This week my goal is to find balance and to get the fire burning again. I have asked Trav for help and I am getting motivated. I know that I can do this. I know that slow and steady wins the race but I have to at least be slow and steady! I have to get the needle moving in the right direction even if it is a slow process.
I also talked with several of my workout partners. They all pack a lunch daily and eat the same breakfast every day. I think I'll get myself a lunchbox (they are all on sale right now for back to school) and try this!