Hi Cheryl. Thank you for sharing your blog. You are an inspiration! I have lacked the motivation to work out in recent months & just don't feel like myself as a result. I've used every excuse in the book not to make it to the gym. I've actually been hiding from Tammye too! But after reading your blog today I am vowing to make it to Tammye's 11:30 Affliction class today. My packed gym bag is in my car...no telling what is in it, but it's there. :-)
You look amazing girl! Keep it up & know that you are inspiring women everywhere!
This was amazing to get an email like this. It totally got me motivated and just made me want to stay the course. It is great to get validation for what you are doing. I have had several good followers but I thought that sharing my blog with more people would just give me even that much more accountability. It makes you responsible when you have people watching you to set and example and following along to help get their motivation. The month of December has been so hard! I am plugging away and going to my workouts but I have not been on the treadmill. I have snacked too much, ate too many yummy goodies, etc.
I can actually say that I am really looking forward to Christmas being over this year and for me to get motivated again. I want to set some short term goals and I am so ready to see 175. I know it is right around the corner but it still feels so far away. I am also really looking forward to a size 14. I think that a 14 is the size of the average American women. While I aspire to be smaller...at least I wont be in the plus sizes anymore. Most clothes and clothing stores go up to 14 but if you are a 16+ you have a much harder time finding clothes. And.....why is it that they think people that are overweight don't know how to dress and want to look ugly. The clothing industry has done a terrible job accommodating larger sizes. Most plus size clothes lack style. They are getting better and the selection is getting more diverse but as a whole, it is bad. Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe they think that if you have to look ugly everyday you will be more motivated to lose weight. This worked for me. I guess I actually have the clothing industry to thank.