Tammye, Cheryl, Deanna
She works out with me at least one night a week with Tammye and I definitely would not push myself as much if it was not for her. She has ran many 5K & half marathon races and has had some good times. Last month I ran into her before the Spring Sprint. I was really nervous about coming in last as it was not a big community race but a race mostly for avid runners. Luckily I didn't! However I might have if it wasn't for her. She stayed back with me and kept me company always reiterating that I could do it. It was like that day she didn't care about her time; all she cared about was my success. She would say "lets run to that stop sign and then we can walk for a minute", she cheered me on and talked to me about all sorts of stuff keeping my mind engaged and off the fact that I was running. Today at the triple challenge training she did it again. I am the weakest runner, it is not my forte. I hate it but I try! She stayed back with me and kept me motivated and it is nice not being last.
I am amazed by people and their willingness to help others; to put someone else in front of themselves. I feel bad sometimes because I know that I am holding her back, however she swears that she wants to be there. I have had a lot of fun with Deanna. We've been to Wii dance parties togethers, evening workouts, weekend warrior, the spring sprint and hopfully this week we are going out to lunch.
Thank you Deanna for caring about me and believing in me. I love working out with you and appreciate you more than words can say.