My Weight Loss Progress

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Local Biggest Loser

So, last year I pledged to lose 50 pounds with the pound for pound challenge with Biggest Loser (the max pledge was 50 pounds). I was able to meet my goal. Well, I am going to pledge another 50 for this year and I am encouraging you all to make a pledge as well.

We are officially having a local Biggest Loser competition. There are already several people signed up and ready to go. It is going to begin January 15th so that we can get some details worked out. So far, this is what the competition is going to look like.

a) $10 to participate, winner will take all
b) The program will last 12 weeks
c) The person with highest percentage of weight loss wins
d) There will be two groups (those with more than 25 pounds to lose and those with less than 25)
e) Biggest Loser viewing parties will be hosted by a few participants. Biggest Loser starts again on January 4th. Tuesdays at 8PM. These will include healthy snacks and we hope to create some better friendships through this socialization. (if you are interested in being a host, we are looking for hosts in Knoxville and Maryville area)
f) I have contacted Biggest Loser runner-up, Ashley Johnston, to see if she would be willing to come to a group meeting and talk to us.
g) still trying to figure out the logistics of the weigh-in. There will be only one weigh in to start and then one at the end of the 12 weeks.

More information will be coming soon. Check out the info for the "Pound for Pound Challenge". We can form a team and make our pledge that way. In a nutshell, money is donated to our local food banks for every pound we lose. So, while we lose weight we can also help to feed the hungry. We need to come up with a name for our team. Please forward this information to any local friends that may want to participate. I would love to see at least 50 people doing this.

Those of you that aren't local. It doesn't mean that you can't sign up for the challenge. Go to the site and do it!

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