My Weight Loss Progress

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

Well, I am not going to post a weight this week. I haven't been on the scale...well actually I have tried but something is wrong with my scale. I think it needs a new battery. Anyway! I am going to weigh on New Years day and then weigh in every Saturday. I am not weighting until January to start but wanted to start fresh on my blog January 1.

Travis did a good job for Christmas. He got me a Bosu ball, a 10Lb medicine ball, some new workout clothes and a simple sport jelly watch. I am really excited to use some of the equipment at home. The Bosu ball came with 4 DVDs so I will be trying those out. I am also excited to show Travis some of the moves I have been learning with Tammye and Weekend Warrior. I need to take pictures though. I easily forget some of the great exercises and techniques.

I am not going to make any resolutions this year as I feel like I already have made the lifestyle changes that are necessary for me to meet my goal. I am just going to try and stay really focused. Now that I am home, I am cooking 85% of our meals (6 out of 7, one night we go out), then I should be able to eat healthier. I do want to try and eat less processed food and less refined sugar. I love sweets! This year I would like to eat less of them. Less desserts. Less Candy. Less cookies. I need some alternatives. Any suggestions?

This week I am just going to keep at it and prepare for the new year. I need to buy some groceries, put my plan together and start off the new year below 188. I have a couple friends and family members that have talked about doing it with me. I would like to propose a challenge. A 10-week challenge...anyone that wants to participate can. Take a picture (front and profile) on January 1 and weigh, in 10 weeks we will do it again. Any suggestions on a prize? Maybe everyone that is interested can contribute $10 to a pot and then the winner takes all? Those of you interested let me know what you think?

Well, more to come but for now I just want to spend the day enjoying my family. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I really love sugar free jello and cool whip free when I am craving a sugary snack. I know they're "processed", but it really does the trick for me and both are zero points, and it keeps me from going to the other carb loaded stuff...
