My Weight Loss Progress

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Take Responsibility

So one of my biggest pet peeves are people that shift blame on other people. It doesn't matter what it is. They are in too much debt, they don't spend enough time with their kids, their house isn't organized, they don't like their job, they don't get enough sleep, they are fat, etc....then they like to tell you why these problems are someone else's fault. I seriously hate this!!!!

If there is something about your life that you don't like, guess what?? You have the power to change it. Sitting around complaining about it is not going to help anything. Quit the EXCUSES!

I seriously could blog all the time about something that could of held me back from my goals. It was really hard to get my bachelor's degree while I worked graveyard shifts at Denny's restaurant. It has been hard dealing with family problems during my childhood; not ever meeting my own father. It was hard being on the stage at my dance recital only to see that my mom hadn't showed up even though she promised. A family business deal that didn't go as planned.

I don't want to hear anyone's pity parties. It seriously drives me crazy when people tell me all the reasons that they can't do something or blame their problems on other people. We all have things that get in the way or sometimes life throws us some real crap but you know what, we have the chance to change everyday. I can pontificate for hours about the underlying issues that caused me to gain weight and there are literally hundreds of reasons I could come up with but the fact of the matter is that I DID IT. I made myself this way and only I can change it. My parents didn't make me this way, Travis didn't make me this way, my kids haven't made me this way...I have. I take full responsibility. I am not proud of it but it is the truth. What is the one thing that has really held you back?

Honestly for years I could not figure it out. I could do all of these things...anything in the past I put my mind to, I stared at it, ran to it and got it as fast as I could. I moved out at 17, never got a cent from my parents and never looked back. Got married at 18 and will be celebrating our 13 year anniversary this year. Went to school while working full time for both my bachelors and masters. Bought a home at 20. Wanted a child at 28 and 30...had one 7 days before my 28th birthday and the other at 30. Became the President of a professional organization, joined the church choir, started my own business. The list goes on.

I am not telling you these things to pat my own back...I am telling you because I honestly couldn't figure out why if I wanted to be skinny I couldn't do it. Here is the reason.....ARE YOU READY?
BECAUSE IT WASN'T IMPORTANT TO ME. All those other things must have been. I made time and effort to achieve those things but didn't put importance in my weight. To be honest I actually think achieving some of those things made it even worse. I had the attitude like, "it doesn't matter how I look I can do anything". All while doing those things though I let the most important things leave. My own identity, my health and self worth. So, if you have something in your life that you aren't happy with and you have a thousand excuses as to why it is that way, or a hundred people to blame, let me give you a probably isn't that important to you. I know this is hard pill to swallow but for me it is the truth. Is it for you? Take responsibility for yourself! If you want something to change than make it your priority and put your time, money and effort into it.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Cheryl! Sooo painfully true, too. I know I've tried to separate myself as much as I can from family who live their entire lives this way. I realized around the time Audrey was born that I had also been living that way. (Derek keeps me straight, too. LOL) At some point, everybody has to grow up and take responsibility for themselves, regardless of their upbringing. I commend you for taking the high road! You are incredibly successful. And, I know how important this is to you. You WILL succeed!
